Saturday, May 19, 2012


Remember that there is an eclipse that will be visible in North Texas tomorrow, Sunday May 20th (8:21 PM).  They say that we will not have an opportunity to experience an eclipse such as this until 2017.  If you go outside and view it...remember to NOT look directly into the eclipse :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Children's Book Week

The students had a lot of fun last week partaking in the events celebrating our children's book week.  Take a look at our exciting week....

The students had a blast experiencing how messy science could be.  We went to the library and used wands of varying shapes to see if the bubble shape would be the same or different.  Then they used toothpicks and gumdrops to create geometrical polyhedrons.  The last station was to make a marshmallow launcher.  Ummm....let's just say the marshmallows were going everywhere.  I'm sure that one was the class favorite :)

The students selected books titles that were amongst their favorites, and then they were to create a mural of the book entirely out of chalk.  We all got a bit dusty, but had plenty of fun.  My fifth graders quickly found out that drawing with chalk was a bit of an impairment, but many adapted and turned out some very nice murals.  Keeping our fingers crossed for a win :)

Artwork by: Herbert, Marco, and Jose

Artwork by: Moises, Ana, Karyme, Adolfo, and Jordan

Artwork by: Ruth, Ingrid, Victoria, and Leslie

Artwork by: Sergio 
Artwork by: Dulce, Christy, Cecilia, and Jacky

Today teachers were to dress as a popular pop diva--and Just Dance was available in the library.  What do you think of our fifth grade pop divas?

Nicki Minaj has nothing on our fifth grade teachers :)

Today we celebrated the book of Oragami Yoda.  The students folded paper using patterns of the ancient Chinese art form.  We also had Zooniversity come to visit our students.  They enjoyed the animals...some of our students even had a chance to touch them!!!!

As always....all good things must come to an end.  To culminate our exciting week of celebrating children's books.  We were to come dressed as our favorite book characters.  Take a look at our silly classmates and fifth grade teachers.

A bunch of "Old Ladies"

Me--Swallowing a bell...


Cecilia and Dulce