Thursday, April 12, 2012


I've lived in the ghetto here more than a year, 
In Terezín, in the black town now, 
And when I remember my old home so dear, 
I can love it more than I did, somehow.

Ah, home, home, 
Why did they tear me away? 
Here the weak die easy as a feather 
And when they die, they die forever.

I'd like to go back home again, 
It makes me think of sweet spring flowers. 
Before, when I used to live at home, 
It never seemed so dear and fair.

I remember now those golden days… 
But maybe I'll be going there again soon.

People walk along the street, 
You see at once on each you meet 
That there's a ghetto here, 
A place of evil and of fear. 
There's little to eat and much to want, 
Where bit by bit, it's horror to live. 
But no one must give up! 
The world turns and times change.

Yet we all hope the time will come 
When we'll go home again. 
Now I know how dear it is 
And often I remember it.

-9.3.1943. Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. The little girl from the poem misses her home where she used to live, because the Germans had relocated them to another place.Were she use to live she had more food whatever she wanted but now she only has water and bread and she misses her old home where she use to live.
